Childcare in Prague: Experienced nanny for your company

Happy children lead to productive parents. A play area right at your workplace or a nanny for your employee’s family.

Which companies would benefit from this childcare service

You would like your employees to return to work earlier after maternity leave.

You’re considering offering attractive and modern benefits to your employees.

You want to enhance company culture and enable your colleagues to see their children every day.

You have employees working from home and want to ensure they have uninterrupted and productive work time.

You would like to offer this premium service to your hotel guests.

Why choose us

We hold high standards for our nannies and promote an individualized, respectful approach to children’s development.

We collaborate exclusively with professional nannies

Our nannies from Prague and the surrounding areas have a positive attitude, hands-on experience, excellent references, and education in fields such as pedagogy, healthcare, or social work. Our database includes over 100 verified professional nannies, including graduates of retraining programs such as “Nanny for Preschool-Age Children” and “Nanny in Childcare Groups.”

Our nannies bring diverse knowledge and experience

Our database includes nannies with expertise in Montessori and Waldorf education, experience working with children with special needs, as well as backgrounds as teaching assistants or midwives. We also offer childcare and tutoring in English, German, Russian, and other languages.

We know all our nannies personally

We build personal, long-term relationships with our nannies. Additionally, we carefully verify their documents, criminal record checks, and references to ensure their reliability and trustworthiness.

Our services

Children’s play area at your workplace

Offer your employees the benefit of having childcare right at your workplace. Parents will appreciate being able to spend their lunch break with their children. We’ll set up the play area for you, complete with all necessary equipment.

Price for setting up a children’s play area in your company:
Custom pricing available

More information

  • Complete Children’s Play Area – We provide the equipment, toys, and materials, fully set up and ready to use.

  • Professional Nannies – We work with trusted and qualified nannies, insured up to 10 million CZK.

  • Contractual Relationship with Us – No unnecessary paperwork, everything included in a single monthly invoice.

  • Assistance and Consultation – We offer support in setting up, operating, and developing the play area.

Nanny for your employee’s family

An experienced and reliable nanny will provide your employees with peace of mind and help them focus better on their work. Parents no longer need to rush home to pick up their children from schools and nurseries.

Price for securing a nanny for your employee’s family:
Custom pricing available

More information

  • Candidate Introduction – We only introduce thoroughly vetted candidates to the family.

  • No-obligation Trial – The family can try the nanny before making a final decision.

  • Contractual Relationship – The nanny signs a contract directly with the family; we provide the draft free of charge.

  • Financial Terms – The family sets the compensation and terms of cooperation.

  • 30-day Guarantee – If the nanny does not meet expectations, we will replace her free of charge within 30 days.

Services for hotel concierges

We provide childcare directly in the hotel room, allowing guests to fully enjoy their stay. We can also organize entertainment programs, including a children’s play area, for hotel events.

Price for childcare as part of hotel services:
Custom pricing available.

More information

  • Professional nannies – We work with trusted and qualified nannies, insured up to 10 million CZK.
  • Express service – We can provide a nanny as soon as the next day.
  • Foreign-language nannies – Childcare available in English, German, Russian, French, and more.
  • Flexible billing – Billing can be directed to the hotel or directly to the guest, with online payment options.
  • Complete children’s play area – We offer full setup with equipment, toys, and entertainment programs tailored to your needs.

How the process works 

Contact us

Leave your inquiry using the contact form below. Once we receive it, we’ll begin the next steps.

Preference Clarification

We’ll discuss your requirements in detail and propose the type and scope of the service (children’s play area, nannies for employees, hotel childcare).

Price Quote

We will prepare a cost estimate and present the contractual terms, including a draft contract.

Preparation and Implementation

Based on the selected service, we will set up the children’s play area at the company or hotel, or provide qualified nannies.

Operation and Support

After launching the service, we monitor satisfaction and address any adjustments as needed. We set up billing according to the agreement (one-time or monthly) and remain available for further collaboration.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How long does the process of finding and providing a nanny take?

The process typically takes an average of 10 days, although in some cases it can be completed in as little as 2 days. We recommend requesting a nanny in advance to allow us to present more suitable candidates. If we are unable to find a suitable nanny within the agreed timeframe, we will refund your deposit in full.

What is the minimum booking duration for childcare services?

The minimum booking for one-time childcare is 4 hours, with the option for free cancellation up to 2 business days in advance. For more information, feel free to contact us.

Do you offer childcare services outside of Prague?

We primarily provide childcare services in Prague. However, we can also arrange a nanny in the districts of Prague-East, Prague-West, and the Central Bohemian Region. Wherever you need childcare in these areas, our services are tailored to meet your needs.

Can a company pay for a nanny for its employees?

Yes, companies can use our services and cover the costs of a nanny as an employee benefit. Typically, the company covers the brokerage fee, and the employee pays the nanny’s salary, but other arrangements can be made to suit the company’s needs.

How can I, as a concierge, book childcare services for hotel guests?

The quickest way to book is to call 775 097 865 on weekdays between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM, or email us at We are available via email at any time, including weekends and holidays.

How many children can be in the play area at once, and what is the youngest age for childcare?

The maximum number of children per qualified nanny is 4. The number of children per nanny may vary depending on the age; the younger the children, the more nannies are required. We provide childcare for children starting at 6 months old.

Customer reviews

Alena B.
19:15 04 Dec 24
S Mary Poppins Agency máme skvělou zkušenost! Jako rodiče dvou aktivních dětí jsme zpočátku měli obavy svěřit je někomu cizímu, ale jejich profesionální přístup nás okamžitě přesvědčil. Široká nabídka chův, všechny splňující naše požadavky, nám umožnila najít tu pravou. Proces byl rychlý, efektivní a šitý na míru našim potřebám. Vybraná chůva je úžasná a víme, že jsme se rozhodli správně. Děkujeme Mary Poppins za vynikající službu a vřele je doporučujeme všem rodičům hledajícím spolehlivou pomoc!
Catherine Ann C.
09:14 08 Nov 24
Holčičku , kterou mi agentura našla hlídám už 3 roky a nemohla bych být spokojenější:)Tento rok me pozvala i na svoji narozeninovou oslavu❤️
21:53 24 Oct 24
Museli najít chůvu na složitém místě a neměli moc času.Po 1 dni nám někoho našli, a protože jsme spěchali, začali jsme a zatím jsme šťastní!Navíc na tomto zápase se nám podařilo najít další 2 kandidáty.Takže celkem 3 možnosti, i když to zdaleka nebylo snadné.Byli velmi profíci a doufáme, že spolupráce s naší chůvou vydrží!Thx tým
Manuela H.
08:25 19 Sep 24
Velmi cením důstojný, férový, transparentní a profesionální přístup.
Petra F.
22:19 27 Mar 24
Chtěla bych doporučit agenturu Mary Poppins Agency s. r. o., neboť její práce, přístup a komunikace jsou naprosto profesionální. Kromě toho, jednání je vždy velmi přátelské a milé.
Bára F.
13:28 01 Feb 23
Mám 10 let pedagogické praxe a 3 roky dělám chůvu v rodinách. Tato agentura je nejlepší ze všech agentur pro hlídání i rozvoj dětí, nejspolehlivější jednání co jsem poznala a také jsou zde opravdu srdcem a proto si MARY POPPINS velice vážím. DĚKUJI ZA VÁŠ PŘÍSTUP 😍
kyr M.
14:17 20 Jan 23
Dobré služby, příjemná komunikace
Seraj B.
21:13 12 Aug 22
Profesionální a rychlý servis
Michaela B.
10:15 22 Jan 22
Pro agenturu Mary Poppins jsem pracovala jako chuva a byla jsem velmi spokojena. Komunikace vzdy probihala v pratelskem duchu a i vyplata pravidelne prichazela v dany termin na muj ucet.Spolupraci s agenturou bych rada doporucila vsem, co se radi staraji o deti, treba jen formou prividelku jako jsem to mela ja, anebo na plny uvazek.V mem pripade prace byla pestra v tom, ze jsem se pokazde setkavala na jinem miste, s jinou klientelou (obcas i ze zahraci kde jsem mohla uplatnit svou anglictinu) a i ruznorodou vekovou skupinou deti coz me bavilo asi nejvic.
Míša Sommerová E.
14:00 13 Jan 21
Pracuji už skoro dva roky u jedné rodiny. Vše je v pořádku a jsem moc ráda ,že jsem se rozhodla jít touto cestou. Děkuji Mary Poppins Agency s.r.o. za zprostředkování.
Jana B.
14:43 05 Jan 21
S agenturou Mary Poppins Agency s. r. o. jsem velmi ráda spolupracovala. Jednání osobní i písemné bylo vždy velmi profesionální a bezproblémové. Domluvila jsem se s nimi vždy na všem a vždy v pohodě. Doporučuji.

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